Hello there my sweet 31 blog followers, and any other readers who like to stop by. I've got lots of ideas in my brain and cards that need to be created; but I've been a bit distracted by life the past few weeks. I don't share lots of my personal life on my craft blog, but since it's what really makes me who I am I thought I'd open up a bit. If you are looking for a crafty creation, stop by again soon.
It's been a roller coaster few weeks. Sadly, we had to put one of our furry kitty babies down this past week. Our dear Otis stole our heart from the first time I saw him. Here's the photo I showed my hubby who instructed me to drive back and take the little guy home.
Otis has always been a bit sickly and his latest illness was just more than we could handle. It took several vet visits to determine he had feline stomatitis, which is an infection stemming from an allergy to his saliva and tartar in his mouth. There is some success when cats have all their teeth removed, but based on his poor health history; my hubby and I had to make the most difficult choice pet parents must face. Otey filled our lives and hearts with his sweet personality and is greatly missed. Here's a pic of him last month in his favorite spot in the house - in front of the fireplace. He was always cold and could have spent every moment sprawled out by the fire.

My sweet husband has supported me through some very difficult times the past month. I am so blessed to have him as my rock and look forward to better times for us ahead. He spoiled me on Valentine's Day with flowers and a teddy bear (delivered to my work) and showing up for the weekend when he'd told me all week that he had to work. (He works about 2 hours away and only comes home on the weekends, so it's always tough when he has to miss one of them).
This past week was filled with one of my highest honors, Auntie Duty. My sister friend had to travel for work and I was blessed to be able to step in and help out her hubby with kiddy schedules and transportation. What a pick me up it was to wake up these adorable cherubs every morning.
Diva holds her kitty George and Noisy loves up her fur baby Stripey. Little brother Krazy kept me on my toes.
It was WONDERFUL and helped remind me of all the blessings God gives me every day.
There's still lots going on in my world, but I plan to make it back to the studio this week. I'm in organizational mode there (which means it's total chaos), but I will clear off a bit of space to make cards for some very special people. Until then, I keep repeating my new mantra (I saw this in a DIY magazine and think I need to make my own version).
Thanks for hanging with me through my long post and for all the wonderful comments you leave for me. I treasure each one!