Hello all! Just a quick note to explain while I've been a bit quiet this week and probably will be this weekend. I do have a few card orders to make over the weekend and will try to post them. Every other spare moment will be spent painting and setting up my studio! When we bought our house (almost 3 years ago), my hubby and I agreed this 'bedroom' could be all mine for crafting. Due to health issues, job losses and other 'life' happenings the project was put on hold. It's finally time to unpack the boxes and set up shop. I've been slowly moving everything OUT of the room so I can have a blank slate. Here are just a 'few' of the boxes now stashed in the hallway.

The guest room (hidden behind the stack) is also FILLED with my supplies. I'll try to take a phoot of that chaos as well. The fur babies were helping with my photo shoot so I didn't open the guest room door. The last thing I needed was 7 pairs of paws climbing in the cardboard jungle.
Here's my studio (from each corner). Here's the view from the entrance. There's the world's tiniest 'deck' outside the door (viewable on the left). I call it my Rapunzal balcony since it's only big enough for the outside door to open. Not sure of the purpose, but it's part of the character of our home. Lily (cut off on the left) and Rico (orange tabby under window) wonder what Mommy is doing.

This is looking at the entry from the far corner (standing by the radiator). Dolly is overseeing things from the top of the ladder while Oscar (aka Ozzy) blends into the color of the floor.

This is the closet 'view'. We have an older home with pretty small closets. I'm debating if I'll leave the door on or remove it (replaced with a curtain) to make it easier to access my storage. Amazing! No kitties in sight!

This is the final corner showing my door to the balcony (I'm standing in front of the closet). Now you can see Lily more clearly.

Not pictured are my 3 other fur babies (Zoe, Lobo and Otis). They were playing in the hallway.
I'm so excited to finally get the walls painted (starting tonight) and set up my desk, storage and supplies. I've been crafting out of boxes since we moved in and it's getting old. I have tubs of stuff in the living and dining rooms. I attend workshops/crops whenever I can and the stuff just lands in the main living area. I've been doing my cards on a TV tray in the recliner for the past few months. There's a little nest of ink pads, paper, stamps, etc. encircling the recliner. Hubby will be SO happy to have his living room back!
Just a few baby photos from my shoot. Lily scares me every time she jumps on the stair railing. There's been a few times I've seen her slip, but she has yet to fall down. Her favorite position is as Gargoyle Kitty.

Dear Dolly made it to the top of the ladder, but wasn't sure how to get down. I asked if she needed help, but she stubbornly had to do it herself. Of course Lily just ran up and down the ladder AROUND Dolly showing off.

So, this is my official 'before' studio photos. I'll be sure to post more photos as the project progresses. I'm sure as I unpack my boxes I'll find LOTS of supplies I no longer need or that I've duplicated because I couldn't find them. I'd love to see your craft rooms or hear any organizational tips you may have. I've got so many decisions ahead of me! Have a great weekend and I'll try to post an update.